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Quality Evaluation In Non-invasive Cardiovascular Imaging

Quality Evaluation In Non-invasive Cardiovascular Imaging

Author(s) :Peter L. Tilkemeier, Robert C. Hendel, Gary V. Heller, James A. Case
This handbook provides hospitals clinics and imaging centers along with their medical and technical directors and hospital administrators with the necessary information and tools to develop quality initiatives The specific aims of this book include Describe quality co...
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Abstract This study investigated and compared patient migration patterns of persons with spinal cor...

Abstract Literature studies suggest that hospitals in rural areas are usually smaller and more sens...

White Papers

Healthcare security breaches are making headlines with escalating frequency Consequently the need to...

Summary The Healthcare sector continues to face social problems caused by rising costs of health car...

Healthcare Events & Exhibitions

calendar-icon  21 - 22 Jun 2024

Global Cardiology and Healthcare Summit

location-iconDubai, United Arab Emirates

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